Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life with Tray (2)

Life with Tray (2) has been good so far. Initially I felt pain and some discomfort during the first 2 days, which was to be expected. The pain subsided greatly after day 2. I've now been with Tray 2 for 1 week and have no more pain at all. This investment in myself was one of the greatest things that I've ever done. I'm noticing movement at this point, which is extremely exciting. YAY!

 I've also experienced what's called the invisalign diet. This entails major weight loss (17lbs) while wearing invisalign. Woo Hoo! The fact that I can't snack is a catch 22. On one hand I'm happy about the weight loss, but it can also get a little annoying that I can't just eat a bag of chips and go. I must brush/floss my teeth every time I eat.  It really makes me realize how much junk food I was eating! You must be determine and dedicated to go through this process. Overall I'm happy with this entire process. I'm getting rid of my gap and losing weight. I feel so much better physically due to the weight loss. I've also noticed that I have been smiling much more lately. Just the thought that I'm improving my smile has increased my confidence in this short time frame.  My teeth are also so much whiter due to all of the brushing that I've been doing. Invisalign so far has improved my life in a variety of ways and I'd say I'll been keeping Tray around for a while longer. I took the below picture the night before I switched  to Tray 3. I'll keep you posted on this journey. 

From Gap to Gone ~ Monique 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How Invisalign Trays are made

I've been wondering how the invisalign trays are actually made. It's amazing how this is such a custom process. I mean just think about it - there are millions of people who choose to go through the invisalign process and yet Align Technology ensures that the proper trays are made and shipped to each persons orthodontist/dentist. I think it's pretty cool. Thank GOD for technology! During my research on the manfacturing process I came across an interesting video on YouTube that explains it so much better than I could have so Enjoy!

From Gap to Gone


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tray (1) & I - The Break Up

Tray 1 and I have broken up and honestly I'm thrilled. I was so excited meet Tray (1) that it was ridiculous. I felt like a giggly school girl when we were initially introduced. I believe I developed a slight obsession with Tray (1). The reading & watching videos consumed alot of my time prior to the meeting. However, after the excitement wore off there was a little pain involved for the first 3 days or so, but what relationship doesn't go through a adjustment period? I know I may be a little naive, but I thought Tray (1) and I had special bond. Maybe I'm a bit delusional, but to me Tray (1) was my custom fit. He was made just for me. I guess things just moved along too quickly and he & I outgrew one another. By the end of our 2 week romance Tray (1) was distant and I didn't feel we were as attached as we initially were. I was tempted to move on prior to the end of our first week together, but thought that would be a bad decision. I had to give us a fighting chance.  We were together on an average of 23 hrs per day. The recommend time that's considered optimal wear is 22 hrs a day.  Maybe I was to aggressive I mean I did pick him up (LOL).

FYI - Tray (1) said that he changed so I decided to give him another chance we'll see how much he actually changed. Can Tray and I make it through the next 50 weeks together? How soon will I notice this "change"? Is Tray truly the one for me? We shall see - Stay Tuned!

Switched to Tray (2) last night...The Saga Continues.

From Gap to Gone!